If there’s one way to bury your goody two shoes and apple pie Disney starlet image for good, you can’t get much better than swinging stark bollock naked from a wrecking ball in a video seen by just about anybody with a TV or a net connection in the world. That’s what little Miley Cyrus did to cast off the shackles of the Hannah Montana persona which launched her career. Below is a video clip if you’re one of the few people in the world to miss it.
Quite what Miley’s daddy, ‘Achy Breaky Heart’ singer Billy Ray Cyrus, made of his daughter’s new jerk it while she twerks it image, we can but imagine. Miley herself, whose solo music career blossomed after the controversial 2013 video, has claimed the video will follow her forever and she wishes it would die. But you gotta wonder how serious she really was about that. She’s done no shortage of controversial stuff since. Getting naked was not the only shock highlight delivered by the video. Miley also closes her eyes and licks her sledgehammer which, naturally, has led to no shortage of celeb porn parodies on the scene.
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In an interview, Miley commented: “That’s something you can’t take away … swinging around naked on a wrecking ball lives forever. Once you do that in the mess that I did, it’s forever. I’m never living that down. I will always be the naked girl on a wrecking ball.” Guess that’s partly true. But you know what they say these days … you ain’t truly famous til they’ve made a full-blown porn parody of your greatest hits reel. And Miley’s achieved that too. They even made a hardcore parody devoted just to the Wrecking Ball video.